Sunday 23 October 2011

Dungeon Defenders Secret Room QR Code

After completing the main campaign on any difficulty you unlock the secret room in the forge, inside here there is a variety of Easter eggs. If you look at the inside of the safe, where you get your parents weapons, there is a QR code on the inside. This is hard to see but if you face away from the safe and then look up you can sort of make it out.

I cropped a screenshot down in paint, and then ran it through ZXing, you get the following text.


It is what appears to be a phone number, and after a quick google search, it appears that the phone number's source is Florida, which is good as Trendy Entertainment are based there.

I have yet to ring the number, I am most likely not going to ring it at all, however, after searching for the phone number I found this thread on the Dungeon Defenders Official Forums, and apparently it is just an automated response.

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